Executive Act

Reputation Management for CEOs

Executive Act provides the support you need to build and protect personal reputation. We can help you:

• be known for something
• build corporate reputation and trust
• leverage your power and influence to make positive change in the world.

Aspiring & Transitioning CEOs

Aspiring & Transitioning CEOsA proactive approach to your reputation

Make yourself the obvious candidate by building a public reputation before you're in the top job.

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Current CEOs

Current CEOsHarness the power of the role for mutual benefit

The expectations of the CEO have changed. Your employees expect you to advocate for them. Your customers expect you to contribute to society. Shareholders, even, are expecting a different sort of leadership.

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Retired CEOs

Retired CEOsSustain and deploy CEO reputation in retirement

Free of the constraints of CEO life (shareholders, competitors, time,) the retired CEO has a unique opportunity to put needed business expertise and influence towards societal good.

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Reputation Strategy

Build a framework for what issues you will speak on, where and when, allowing you to filter inbound requests and be strategic with whom you spend your professional time.

Thought Leadership

Create an original platform to advance the public discussion on an area of passion.

CEO Activism

Enter an important public debate in a way that is effective while mindful of potential business impact.

Crisis Management & Reputation Recovery

Get through the crisis with an eye on your long-term reputation. Build a proactive plan to overcome perceived mistakes and weaknesses.

independent Board counsel

Assess whether there are reputational weak spots in board and executive candidates, and the company more broadly, that can be exploited by opportunists.

Seminars & Presentations

Educate your audience or in-house PR team about what’s happening in CEO activism, the changing risk/opportunity matrix for CEO reputation, or the activists inside your own office.

Networking Event Strategy

Create must-attend bespoke events to bring together those whom you want to both know better and influence.

Speech Writing

Work with a writing partner to create compelling speeches in your voice and tell a memorable story that has impact.

Media Training & Preparedness

A strong performance in a media interview can change the course of a crisis, just as a poor one can. Don’t leave this to chance.

Why Focus on CEOs

CEOs hold unique power. They can effect change without legislation. They control where money is spent. They represent their employees and customers who feel abandoned by increasingly polarized politics. In an era of calls for CEO activism, most are missing their opportunity to do something positive with their power. My goal is to help them do that with a pragmatic approach, mindful of the difference between real risk and shadows.


Who Chooses Executive Act

CEOs (past, present and future) who want to

  • use their influence and power to make change on issue that’s personally important
  • build their personal reputation to support business growth
  • fortify their personal and corporate reputation against activists.

Not sure if we’re a good fit to work together? Let me buy you a coffee.

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Why choose Executive Act

Two decades of working with the C-suite, first as a reporter, then at a public relations agency, followed by working in-house directly with the CEO, have helped Cheryl Kim understand the challenges of the top job, and how to get things done. One part thought partner, one part translator, one part truth teller, Cheryl is the trusted advisor that will help you move the needle. For yourself. For your company. For the world.

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